
split jujube Learn more about split jujube

  • Causes and preventive measures of cracked jujube

    Causes and preventive measures of cracked jujube

    In recent years, the problem of split jujube has been perplexing the majority of jujube farmers, bringing varying degrees of loss to jujube production, with a serious loss of more than 50%. The problem of split jujube is the most difficult problem to solve in jujube production, which deserves the great attention of fruit tree science and technology workers and jujube farmers. Through years of practice, the author has taken some measures according to the causes of split jujube, which can effectively solve the problem of cracked jujube, which is summarized as follows, which can be used as a reference for fruit tree science and technology workers and jujube farmers. First, the reason for the split jujube: application year after year.

  • Time and method of jujube grafting

    Time and method of jujube grafting

    Jujube is hung on the jujube tree like grapes, and the clusters of dates are very lovely. As we all know, jujube planting split propagation and grafting two ways, then jujube grafting what points for attention? Let's study the grafting of jujube trees together.

    2020-11-08 Jujube grafting time and method jujube like grape general
  • The latest grafting method of jujube

    The latest grafting method of jujube

    Red jujube, also known as jujube, jujube, etc., is a small deciduous tree of Rhamnaceae jujube, which grows in mountains, hills or plains below 1700 meters above sea level. It is mainly propagated by ramet and grafting, and some varieties can also be sown. Grafted jujube trees usually use bark grafting, split grafting and ventral grafting.

    2020-11-10 The latest jujube grafting method red jujube alias
  • Grafting method of jujube

    Grafting method of jujube

    Grafting method of jujube

  • What kind of tree can jujube be grafted with? When will it be grafted?

    What kind of tree can jujube be grafted with? When will it be grafted?

    Grafting is the most common propagation of many fruit trees, and it can effectively improve the yield and quality, and make the fruit faster. Do you know what kind of tree jujube can be grafted with? When will it be grafted? What kind of tree can jujube be grafted with? Jujube can be used with Zhanhua winter jujube

    2020-11-08 Jujube can and what tree grafting when yes
  • Longzao jujube, a vigorous winter ornamental plant.

    Longzao jujube, a vigorous winter ornamental plant.

    Longzao jujube, also known as Longxu jujube, Longyou jujube, jujube, is named because of twisted branches and shaped like dragon claws. It is a peculiar ornamental variety in the jujube family. It has beautiful trees, whirling green leaves in summer and beautiful red fruits in autumn, especially the twisted branches after falling leaves in winter, which is unique among all kinds of ornamental flowers and trees. Longzao jujube can be planted in parks, squares, courtyards or residential areas, can also be potted to watch or make bonsai, but also can take its vigorous potential, as an auxiliary material for flower arrangement and flower art. Dragon claw

  • What kind of tree can soft jujube graft? When to graft? How to graft?

    What kind of tree can soft jujube graft? When to graft? How to graft?

    Soft jujube generally refers to Jun Qian Zi, also known as black jujube, soft jujube, milk jujube, wild persimmon, etc., is a kind of fruit tree with both medicine and food, which can be sown or grafted for reproduction. What kind of tree can the soft jujube be grafted with? When to graft? How to graft? Soft dates can be

    2020-11-08 soft jujube trees can and what trees grafting when how
  • Crooked melon and split jujube "counterattack" ugly fruit also has spring

    Crooked melon and split jujube

    As the New year is approaching, apples in many supermarkets have been put on new clothes and played the Ping an card, turning apples into safe fruits through planting. An ordinary Red Fuji sells for 7 or 8 yuan. But compared with these shiny fruits, some of them don't look good this year.

    2016-03-20 Crooked melon split jujube "counterattack " ugly fruit also have spring
  • Effects of ring cutting and ring peeling on yield and quality of young Ziziphus jujuba

    Effects of ring cutting and ring peeling on yield and quality of young Ziziphus jujuba

    Effects of ring cutting and ring peeling on the yield and quality of young jujube trees; ring cutting and ring peeling of jujube branches are commonly used measures to improve fruit setting rate. Girdling and circumferential cutting can slow down the transport of photosynthate along the tree and affect the growth of root system.

  • How are jujube trees grafted?

    How are jujube trees grafted?

    How are jujube trees grafted? What good grafting techniques do jujube trees have? There are many grafting methods for jujube trees, such as split grafting, ventral grafting, peeling grafting, cutting grafting and tender shoot grafting. The planting network has sorted out the grafting method of embedded buds of jujube, the following detailed steps are listed to provide the net.

  • Excellent fresh jujube variety-Youyou jujube

    Excellent fresh jujube variety-Youyou jujube

    "Youyou jujube" is a new jujube variety selected from the local Youyou jujube variety resources in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province. It was examined and approved by Hebei Forest Variety approval Committee in December 2005. The characteristic tree is open and dry, and the trunk and perennial branches are grayish brown and longitudinally split. The jujube head of the raw jujube was reddish brown, and the thorns were opposite at the jujube head and the jujube stock. Leaf blade broadly ovoid, dark green, glossy, medium large, thicker. Petals 5, red, calyx tube smaller, mostly closed. The fruit is long oval, slightly pointed at both ends, and the vertical diameter of the primary fruit is 4.2 ~

  • Where does chilli jujube sapling have to sell? What are the breeding methods?

    Where does chilli jujube sapling have to sell? What are the breeding methods?

    Chili jujube, named Rhamnaceae, jujube, mainly distributed in Shandong Province, China, has the advantages of high yield and disease resistance. The tree is tall, the branches are dense, the tree posture is half open, and the crown is natural round head shape. Fruit flesh is thick, fine, small, high in sugar content, adaptable, easy to crack fruit. that

    2020-11-27 pepper jujube sapling where have sell seedling method which
  • Jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit. How many years is the life span?

    Jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit. How many years is the life span?

    Jujube trees, as many people know, can generally be seen by the roadside, so how many years do jujube trees grow before they bear fruit? How many years is the life span: jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit: jujube seedlings usually bear fruit in the second year after planting. As the saying goes, peaches, plums, pears, walnuts, persimmons, and mulberry can feed silkworms in seven years.

  • How are jujube trees grafted? Introduction of several grafting methods of jujube

    How are jujube trees grafted? Introduction of several grafting methods of jujube

    Red jujube, also known as jujube, jujube, etc., is a small deciduous tree of Rhamnaceae jujube, which grows in mountains, hills or plains below 1700 meters above sea level. It is mainly propagated by ramet and grafting, and some varieties can also be sown. Grafted jujube trees are generally used for skin grafting, crackling, ventral grafting and budding.

  • "Crooked melon cracked jujube" fruit counterattacks the market

    In the past, fruit shops or supermarkets sold fruits that were beautiful in appearance and regular in shape. However, in the past two years, the author has found that the fruits with the appearance of crooked melons and dates have begun to attack. First, there are ugly oranges born last year, and then there are ugly apples that are popular in the market this year.

    2016-03-20 " crooked melon cracked jujube fruit counterattack market past shop
  • Effects of jujube cracking on appearance and yield control methods of jujube fruit cracking

    Effects of jujube cracking on appearance and yield control methods of jujube fruit cracking

    Effects of jujube cracking on appearance and yield control methods of jujube fruit cracking

  • What's the name of the bug on the jujube tree? can it be grafted?

    What's the name of the bug on the jujube tree? can it be grafted?

    Jujube tree, which is known to many people, is known to many people, so what is the name of the bug on this jujube tree? Can it be grafted: what is the name of the worm on the jujube tree? the worm on the jujube tree is called the larva of diamondback moth. The diamondback moth is a general name for insects of the family Lepidoptera, which has about 500 species. Global distribution, mostly in the tropics

  • Jujube pruning: how to prune jujube in spring?

    Jujube pruning: how to prune jujube in spring?

    How to cut jujube trees in spring? Please introduce the detailed method and function of jujube spring shearing from sprouting to flowering (from late April to mid-May). The common pruning methods are opening angle, scratching, sprouting, heart-picking and so on. Detailed operation can refer to the following: jujube tree opening angle with support, pull and other measures: branch.

  • The difference between black jujube and red jujube

    The difference between black jujube and red jujube

    The difference between black jujube and red jujube

  • How to treat jujube leaflet disease? What kind of medicine do you use? What caused it?

    How to treat jujube leaflet disease? What kind of medicine do you use? What caused it?

    Dichlorvos, thiazide and thiazide can be sprayed on the plant every 7 days for one month, and the diseased branches of jujube can be cut off in time, which can not only effectively reduce the consumption of soil nutrients, but also prevent bacteria from infecting it.

    2020-11-08 Jujube lobule disease how cure use what medicine yes because why